Optogate: An Infrared Automatic Noise Gate for Vocals

Optogate Online provides Automatic Microphone Gates/ Vocal Mute Switches to Reduce feedback for live music and sound performances.

How does Optogate work?

Optical Proximity sensors via Infrared lasers will trigger a switch turning the mic on or off based on the set distance of the musician to the mic.

There are stomp mute switches/ foot pedals out there to mute your microphone but this is way better.

Optogate is an Optical noise gate for your vocals.

It Mutes the Mic for you so you don't have to.

Watch the video below to learn more about the Optogate PB-05.

Why should I care about muting my microphones?

You’ll experience better control of stage volume, better communication between FOH and band, and increased sound clarity of live sound mix. For any size venue or performance. From churches, to clubs , to large concert arenas optogate is a great solution to reduce feedback problems you may be experiencing.

Optogate uses Infrared Tech to mute and unmute the microphone for you.

Optogate Users

Clair Brothers


Ultra Sound

 Masque Sound

Cirque du Soleil


 Atlanta Film Studio

 Resound Technologies



How does Optogate work? What does it do?

Optogate is for Audio Engineers, Sound Techs, DJ's, Music Directors, Theater Directors, Playback Engineers, & Worship Leaders alike.

"It is amazing when you have your vocal mics muted. The difference it makes is obvious sonically in terms of sound clarity and stage volume.
The monitors clean up, so you can hear yourself and band mates more clearly.

The mains become clearer and amps have more usable headroom for things like the vocals and drums to come through.

The first time I used them with my band, i had people come up to me and say " i don't know what you guys did, but your sound was so much better than ever before"

The Grateful Dead, who were pioneers of developing great sound, used to insure all vocal mics were muted by using trigger pads under the carpets that triggered the "key input" to the gates, but this is costly, custom made, bulky and required long setup time and extra snake channels... which is impractical for most people..

Unfortunately, even the best engineers won't mute the mics, for fear of a missed cue....

The sonic difference for band and audience is amazing.

Also imagine as a guitar player not having to compete against the monitor "bleed" from the vocal mics. Which makes you turn up louder, only to cause the bleed get louder....and so on.

Once you use this, you will never want to go back.... many big and small acts are using these Optogates."

Review From thegearpage.com

Be sure get enough Optogates to cover every vocal musicians microphone. You will witness improved sound clarity, lower stage volumes, and greater headroom capacity in your amps. (IEM users: No more ringing in the ears)